Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Jing - Capture EVERYTHING!

Hello everyone!  I want to share a tool that I have been using and LOVING.  When I showed it to Michelle, she and I agreed that it was a "game changer."  It is a screen capture tool.  Watch this 1 minute introductory video by clicking here.  I even used Jing and a free account to capture it!

Unlike your screen capture tools on your PC or Mac, Jing allows you to just copy and paste an image without having to download it.  You could grab and image from the Internet, paste it onto SmartNotebook, and label it. So many possibilities!  And, you can also make short screen cast with your built in mic on your MacBook.   I see this as a tool for quick how-to videos for your students and parents.  With the account, you can get an embed code or a  share URL.

As always, keep copyright guidelines in mind!

How did you use Jing?  Share your fabulous ideas in the comments section!


  1. Laura Jing is awesome! I have been using it as a way to take quick snapshots. I like to use the snapshots as a reference for my students to refer back to.

  2. I used Jing to record myself presenting our spelling words for the week using Prezi. It turned out great!
