This week, our 2nd graders at McGowen are using Explain Everything to create book trailers about the book Maybelle in the Soup by Katie Speck. They are drawing pictures on slides, adding text and their voices on each slide. To export, you can simply send the finished product to YouTube. YouTube is a super easy way to get those projects off of the devices, but there are other export possibilities as well. Check out Explain Everything to learn more! The app costs $2.99, but it is well worth the money:)
Remember, if you use Explain Everything, or another similar productivity app, let Laura or I know about it so you can earn a star for your tech super hero cape! If you don't have a Technology Super Hero cape yet, let us know and we'll get you started.
Chase Young, 2nd grade teacher at McGowen, made a great "how-to" video about Explain Everything to demonstrate how they used the app to make book trailers. Thanks for sharing, Chase!
I used the "explain everything" App to illustrate the editing process for one of my groups that is struggling with revising and editing. I saw Chase's YouTube video on Twitter, and knew it was perfect. They drew a picture and then wrote a story. We recorded their stories 3 times - each time revising and editing the story - adding more details and creating a more concise beginning, middle, and end. When they watched all of their 3 takes at the end - they could hear the editing and revising process at work. Thanks Chase!